PestoAI generates and publishes
daily SEO content for your site using AI

With PestoAI you can get content about your business and industry...

· Generated daily saving you and your team money and time so you can focus on your business.
· Published directly to your Shopify, Wix, Wordpress, or custom website.
· SEO tailored for content that is engaging, relevant, current, and drives traffic to your website

Signup today and start your free trial.

Here's how PestoAI works

Signup & login

Connect your website

We do the rest

Check out a demo of how a PestoAI generated news site looks and feels


What is PestoAI?
PestoAI is an AI powered tool that generates SEO tailored content, in the form of blog articles, for your website daily. Regularly adding new content to your website increases the chances that your website will rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased visitor traffic to your website
Who is PestoAI for?
Anyone that wants to increase traffic to their website. Whether your a startup, small business, copy writer, large company, or just want to promote your website, PestoAI is for you!
Why should I use PestoAI instead of a human?
Paying for someone to write regular content can be expensive, and content writers rarely deliver new content daily. With PestoAI you get new content generated daily for a low cost. You can auto-publish, review and publish yourself, or have a member of your team spend a few minutes editing before publishing. Alternatively you can empower your current content writers with PestoAI and dramatically improve their productivity and output
Can I connect PestoAI to my Wix/Wordpress/Shopify site?
Yes! PestoAI has apps and plugins for Wix, Wordpress, and Shopify so you can connct your site by simply installing the app/plugin
What does PestoAI write about?
When you connect your site to PestoAI, it will automitically analyze your site and determine what relevant topics to write about. You can then view, edit, or add topics as you like
Does PestoAI also generate images for articles?
Yes. PestoAI will generate an image that relates to each article which will be displayed in the article page. You can replace this image by uploading your own
Is there a free trial?
Absolutely! Once you sign up with PestoAI, your first 5 articles will be free so you can see and experience PestoAI's AI powered content
Where will PestoAI publish my content to?
After you connect your site to PestoAI, you will get two code snippets to embed in your website. One is for your blog page and will display a list of publish posts, and the other is for the post page and will display the contents of a post. You only need to embed the code snippets once and PestoAI takes care of the rest!
Can I edit the content?
Yes. You can edit the content text, ariticle title, article image, and more with PestoAI's easy to use management console
Can I set the author?
Yes. You can create up to 5 author profiles to set on posts and you can set a default author profile to use
Can I change the frequency of posts if I don't want one every day?
Yes. If you do not want posts to be generated daily, you can update the frequency to once every other day, twice per week, or once per week. However keep in mind that for optimal SEO impact we reccomend once per day
Can I invite my team to collaborate?
Yes. Once you connect your site to PestoAI, you can invite team members to view, edit, or adminster your content and site on PestoAI
How long will it take to improve my SEO ranking?
As with all content marketing campaigns for SEO, it typically takes around 4 - 6 months to see an improvement in your search ranking
Can I track the performance of PestoAI?
Yes! You can track the performance of PestoAI by connecting your domain to Google Search Console Tools
How much does it cost?
PestoAI is free to try for 5 days (5 free posts) and then $2.30 per post after that. There is no commitment and you can cancel any time